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Grove Scholars
Ole Miss

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Grove Scholars Program?

Grove Scholars is an emerging scholars program for students who are eligible for The Ole Miss Opportunity Scholarship and that are pursuing a S.T.E.M., Health, or Accounting degrees at the University of Mississippi. Employing a cohort model, an incentive structure, and a summer bridge program, Grove Scholars works to close the gap between access and equity for the students beginning prior to freshmen year through graduation.

How will Grove Scholars help me as a student?

Grove Scholars provides students with a supportive community of peers with similar academic interests. We offer students opportunities for intensive mentoring, tutoring, and career exploration throughout the school year all the way to graduation. The Grove Scholars’ experience starts with a summer bridge program for incoming first-year students.

Most students experience a significant “culture shock” when arriving at college for their first year. Grove Scholars aids in the transition to college by bringing students on campus the summer before their freshmen year and surrounding them with support from staff and a group of highly motivated peers. This pivotal time spent on campus in the summer allows students to feel more comfortable socially and academically at Ole Miss before the larger wave of students arrive in late August for the fall semester. Taking 2 college courses over the summer that count towards your degree, enables Grove Scholars to come into the fall of their freshmen year ahead academically.

Being a Grove Scholar does not end with the summer program! Students in Grove Scholars receive the following throughout the rest of their time as an undergraduate:

    • Wraparound Mentoring and Advocacy for all students by our staff​
    • Connection to campus resources
    • Free Tutoring throughout academic year
    • Ongoing Study and College skill workshops in partnership with UM faculty​
    • Resources to secure On-Campus and Work Study jobs
    • Internship experience​ resources including funding for internships and shadowing opportunities that unpaid or underpaid
    • 1 scholarshiped Summer course every summer after Freshman year​
    • An opportunity Study Abroad for free during 1 summer during undergraduate career
    • Social events/Speakers/Networking series throughout undergraduate career
    • Access to free Graduate Test Preparation + Application Fee waivers

What is the summer program like? What will my daily schedule look like?

The 4-week program (2nd Summer Session June 25 – July 24) gives students the opportunity to get a head start on their college education. All students will take 2 classes over these 4 weeks, including a Science course and a 2nd class to be chosen with your adviser. Students must also attend mandatory study hours during the week and other activities including speakers, discussions, and trips designed to help them acclimate to the University of Mississippi and begin the career exploration process. Students will have weekends off with the exception of one Saturday field trip.

Do I need to bring my own car for the summer bridge session?

Students do not need to bring their own car to campus. The university has an excellent bus system called OUT. However, if you would like to bring your car, you may. There will be a charge for a campus parking pass for which Grove Scholars does not pay.

Do I need to bring everything for my dorm room this fall?

No, you will be living in a contemporary residence hall on campus for the duration of the 4-week term and then will move out completely. The room you live in during the summer will be different than the room you live in during the Fall semester.

Will I still have time at home before the start of the Fall semester?

Yes! Grove Scholars will take their final exams on Thursday, July 24th and Friday, July 25th and then will be free to leave campus (You will have nearly a whole month before Fall classes start)

What about the 4th of July holiday?

There will be NO classes on July 4th. Students are welcome to go home for the 4th of July, however, classes will resume after the July 4th holiday.

What is the cost of attending the summer program and how do I sign up?

For students who qualify, the Grove Scholars Program is FREE. You must also apply for financial aid for the summer term. After your summer aid is credited to your account, the Grove Scholars Program will cover the gap in funding for your summer expenses.

Have other questions about the Grove Scholars Program? Contact our Director:

E. Gray Flora IV
Grove Scholars Director
(662) 915-3410